Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Set your mind free

Let all the locked doors open
Give them way to fly high
Set your mind free to explore
And witness the only treasure alive…….

These days are not too long the way we have assumed them to be; we can not follow the calling of the soul unless we let all our doubts go.

You understand better when your mind is set free to act spontaneously. Crossing the boundaries is an inevitable decision which should be made to let the soul communicate. Visions are many which are born in our minds, but are all these visions which are born in a fraction of a second get transformed in the reality? Do we let all our imaginations come out of our mind and connect them with the real world; so that the pure existence of your soul is manifested?

Killing all kind of apprehensions actually leads us to a progressive path; these apprehensions have hidden so many talents which are waiting eagerly to find their way out. Freeing all those imprisoned desires and ideas, is itself an evolution of our persona. The wandering thoughts have a unique destination which can be attained only by leading them through a right path and encouraging our thoughts to find their right path tests the real connection of our spirit with our body; because body is the medium which connects our core to the real world.

Listening to this calling of the soul and converting its expectations in valid actions is the duty of our life. In order to fetch true happiness and to celebrate being alive; we must never loosen this thread between our body and mind.

The longer you suppress your inner voice the more you suffer in your own silence of the heart. The moment you set this voice free, naturally you win over half of the obstacles in your life.

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