Wow, all this while my belief was fixed
that peace can be attained by meditation, by some sort of spiritual practices
or by reading such stuff or may be joining a forum that teaches you about how
to better connect with self. Now all these sources are all around us these
days. And so many people find them so beneficiary. They are certainly; I don’t
deny that fact, I respect them because in their own way they are helping the
world to find peace. However this
workout experience made me see the never seen before. Peace isn’t something
that can be found in only the ways I have known so far. Yes these ways are well
known and workable, but that doesn’t mean one has to be only limited to these
sources. I mean I might ask or in fact I have asked this so many times that how
do you concentrate on your breathing while you mediate, as I tend to lose my
focus every now and then. I have even discussed this issue with my friends who
meditate on a regular basis. They gave some great suggestions according to
their knowledge & experience. And I tried following it in order to learn
how to meditate and then find inner peace. I am not sure how far it worked
though, it surely felt nice to implement their tips.

Hence when this little thought struck me, I
immediately decided to share it with everyone who might find it helpful. And as
deeply I pondered, this finding itself brought some sort of peace to my mind.
So here’s what happened in my head, as I was
excited about the ‘workout’ combined with ‘peace finding’ therapy it drew my attention
to different activities in a day. Basically I just played my routine and tried
searching if I ever had felt the same way by any other task. I had become very
inquisitive to find answers to several questions popping in my head. As I went
on with that mysterious notion, I couldn’t believe it but I did find a lot of
similar activities like workout.

It’s just the matter of introspecting. Once
you are able to identify these precious moments of your life, it automatically
solves most of the doubts in your head. You realize that everything has a
reason and every incidence has a meaning. You no longer wait for someone else
to solve your problem, because you realize that another person can only be
there as a guide but to see that route which is meant for you is only up to you
to find. Everything is connected and there’s nothing irrelevant happens in our
lives. All these lessons meant to proceed towards our purpose of life. It
unfolds so naturally that it’s miraculous.
And this is how I can certainly say that
peace is scattered all around us. It can be hidden in these varied experiences.
It wouldn’t occur to you so easily, but living through these moments definitely
meant to direct you towards peace. As it’s so clear that at the end of it there
is this inexplicable stillness which fills up your mind. It could be anything,
any situation good or bad, once it’s over completely there is a long silence
which is motionless. This is the real moment of peace. You no longer chase it,
it’s always there, present in front of
you. Mostly we fail to realize this due to the conceptual definitions of our
Nonetheless this new theory has personally
helped me a lot to become calm. It might sound odd but it certainly worked. May
be it wouldn’t be harmful to look at peace from this perspective. By connecting
it to everything that we do, we would be getting closer to it, understand it
better. And as life goes on with such instances so would peace. Hence there’s
certainly no end to it, as it follows in a parallel way.
Here’s hoping all of us to find peace
through any convenient sources feasible to us. And the invisible pieces like
these are truly magnificent.